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. 2013 Sep;51(9):3006–3011. doi: 10.1128/JCM.00899-13

Table 1.

Clinical details of patients whose homes were sampleda

Patient ID (gender; age [yr])b Other patient/sampling environment characteristic(s) Radiology Microbiology and symptoms Clinical notes
P1 (F; 72) Gardener with ++ pots BE S++ bronchial wash in 2007, M. abscessus; cough, sputum, hemoptysis Treated for 6 wk, clinically stable but remained culture positive, died from cancer of the pancreas in 2011
P2 (F; 69) Avid gardener BE Multiple S+ samples from 2004, progressive radiology, wt loss, hemoptysis; M. intracellulare in Sept and Dec 2004 (multiple), April 2006, June 2007, and June 2008 Treated for 4 yr (ethambutol, rifampin, clarithromycin, clofazimine, and amikacin), converted sputum in July 2009; culture negative from 2010 to June 2011
BE, small cavities New infiltrate, increased cough and hemoptysis; 2 positive sputa in June 2011 (1/3); in Sept 2011 (1/3), M. kansasii Treated for 12 mo with ethambutol, rifampin, and clarithromycin, converted sputum, in remission in 2013
P3 (M; 72) BE, nodules, large cavities Multiple S+++ M. intracellulare, sputa from April 2006, significant wt loss, cough Partial clinical response to treatment, but remains S++ C+, end-stage disease
P4 (F; 74) >400 orchids, exposure to ++ peat moss Nodules, BE, small cavity S++ M. intracellulare bronchial wash in Feb 2009; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Aspergillus fumigatus, Trichosporin sp.; cough, sputum, hemoptysis Treated with ethambutol, rifampin, and clarithromycin, converted sputum in Aug 2009; ongoing hemoptysis; ceased treatment at end of 2011
Relapse/reinfection in 2013, new infiltrate; 1/3 sputa S− C+/−; bronchial wash S− C+ in Jan 2013, M. intracellulare Commenced retreatment in Feb 2013
P5 (F; 51) Rainwater tanks BE Multiple sputa positive in 2007 for M. avium; previous S. aureus, new radiology, symptoms Treated for 18 mo, converted sputum, still in remission
P6 (F; 72) Large fernery, rainwater tanks BE Cough, sputum, respiratory failure, cachexia, progressive radiology; M. avium in 2007; M. intracellulare in 2006 and 2008 Died from disease despite treatment in 2011
P7 (F; 85) Rainwater tanks Nodules, BE Cough, sputum, wt loss, sweats; bronchial wash in April 2008, Mycobacterium species; OLB in Nov 2008, M. lentiflavum Treated for 2 yr with ethambutol, rifampin, and clarithromycin, remains in remission; P. aeruginosa
P8 (F; 63) Rainwater tanks BE Recurrent LRTIs, persistent cough; bronchial wash in Nov 2007; in July 2008 and May 2010, M. intracellulare Treated for 2 yr with ethambutol, rifampin, and clarithromycin, in remission
P9 (F; 63) Gardener BE, nodules Hemoptysis; bronchial wash in Jan 2006, in Aug 2007, M. intracellulare Treated for 18 mo, RML lobectomy in 2011; relapse/reinfection in 2013
P10 (M; 81) BE, nodules Cough, sputum, SOB; bronchial wash in Oct 2007, M. intracellulare; sputum, M. abscessus, in Jan 2008, Apr 2008, and Sept 2008 and in 2012 Treated for 6 wk with i.v. amikacin, cefoxitin, and clarithromycin in 2010 and for 2 wk in 2012
P11 (F; 75) Didn't use shower, gardener, very dusty house BE Recurrent infections in RML, S. aureus; M. intracellulare isolated most frequently; M. intracellulare in March 2006; slow grower in April 2008; M. abscessus in June 2008; M. intracellulare in July 2008; M. peregrinum in July 2008; M. gordonae in Aug 2008; M. intracellulare in Sept to Dec 2008 (multiple); M. peregrinum in Dec 2008; M. intracellulare in Feb 2009 (multiple); M. peregrinum in March 2009; M. fortuitum in March 2009; M. fortuitum in May 2009; M. intracellulare in Oct 2009; M. fortuitum complex in Dec 2009; M. intracellulare in Jan 2010 Treated for 24 mo with ethambutol, rifampin, clarithromycin, and ciprofloxacin, showed some symptomatic improvement, but didn't convert sputum; currently stable off treatment with chronic cough, sputum, and lethargy but reluctant for retreatment
P12 (M; 69) Cactus house (>300 plants) BE, nodules, cavities M. intracellulare in 2003–2004; M. triplex in 2006; M. avium and M. intracellulare in 2007; M. intracellulare in 2008; Nocardia farcinica in 2009; M. intracellulare in 2009 Treated over 3–4 yr, drug intolerances, peripheral neuropathy; eventually converted sputum; remains in remission
P13 (F; 60) BE, nodules M. intracellulare repeatedly from 2000–2007; M. avium after 15-mo remission in March 2005; RGM single isolates while on treatment for SGM; M. chelonae in May 2005; M. abscessus in Jan 2007 RML lobectomy following 4 yr of treatment, drug side effects, and short relapse time; now deceased secondary to NTM disease
P14 (M; 85) Cavities M. intracellulare in Dec 2006, March 2007, and April 2007 Treated for 18 mo with ethambutol, rifampin, and clarithromycin, converted sputum
P15 (M; 25) BE, nodules, bronchiolitis Post-pertussis bronchiolitis with secondary infection, M. abscessus subsp. bolletii in July-Sept 2011 Treated for 6 mo with amikacin, cefoxitin, clarithromycin, and clofazimine
P16 (F; 60) RML BE M. avium bronchial wash in 2007 Treated for 6 mo, intolerant of medication; stable and culture negative off treatment
P17 (F; 77) BE M. intracellulare in 2000; M. abscessus (multiple), including Sept 2008, Oct 2009, and Feb 2011 M. intracellulare treated in 2000; in 2007, multiple courses of treatment for M. abscessus with partial response, limited by drug toxicity; respiratory failure secondary to disease, death
P18 (F; 53) Large cavities, nodules, BE M. abscessus sputum in Oct 2010, bronchial wash in Dec 2010 (with S. aureus) and Dec 2012 and multiple in between Heavy smoker of cigarettes, marijuana, large cavities; treated with i.v. therapy, response when abstinent from cigarettes; died from cancer of the lung and progressive cavitary disease
P19 (F; 80) BE M. abscessus in March and April 2011 Treated for 2 wk with amikacin and cefoxitin and 6 wk with clarithromycin and clofazimine; in remission
P20 (F; 65) Nodular BE M. intracellulare in 2007, bronchial wash, granulomata on TBB Progressive radiology and symptoms; treated with ethambutol, rifabutin, and clarithromycin in 2010; rash and hepatitis; treated with azithromycin, ethambutol, clofazimine, and amikacin, in remission

Abbreviations: F, female; M, male; BE, bronchiectasis; S, smear; C, culture; LRTIs, lower respiratory tract infections; SOB, shortness of breath; RGM, rapidly growing mycobacteria; SGM, slowly growing mycobacteria; OLB, open lung biopsy; TBB, transbronchial lung biopsy. For smear and culture results, + and − indicate positive and negative to the general degree shown (where + is positive and +++ is highly positive).


Age calculated from date of first isolate.