Figure 3.
Brain activity with acupuncture at ST36 in a single subject who reported deqi sensations without sharp pain during one experimental run and only sharp pain without additional sensations during a subsequent experimental run. The broad degree of deactivation (blue) during acupuncture with deqi is in contrast to the general activation (red) noted during acupuncture with sharp pain alone. Time-course for the voxel with peak signal change within the right amygdala is shown for each run. Regions: (1) pregenual cingulate / frontal pole, (2) posterior cingulate Brodmann area 31 / precuneus, (3) substantia nigra, (4) middle cingulate, (5) thalamus, (6) periaqueductal gray, (7) cerebellar tonsil, (8) amygdala, (9) parahippocampus, (10) insula.