Table 1.
Parameters used for deriving the best fit of Eq. 3 to frequency-dependent elution time data for DS19 cells (Fig. 2) and for calculations of the mapping characteristics between elution profiles and cell biophysical characteristics as described in the text.
Parameter | Value | Units | Explanation |
fstart | 160 × 103 | Hz | Sweep start frequency |
fend | 15 × 103 | kHz | Sweep end frequency |
Tsweep | 600 | s | Sweep time |
R | 7.5 × 10−6 | m | Cell radius |
g | 9.81 | m.s−2 | Acceleration due to gravity |
H | 600 × 10−6 | m | Channel height |
W | 25 × 10−3 | m | Channel width |
L | 300 × 10−3 | m | Channel length |
V | 1.42 | V | Applied DEP volts p-p |
η | 1.002 × 10−3 | N.s.m−2 | Dynamic viscosity of water at 20°C |
σs | 30 × 10−3 | S.m−1 | Eluate conductivity |
S | 50 × 10−6 | m | Electrode element width and spacing |
F | 4 and 10 | mL.min−1 | Flow rate |
Rpol | 0.375/(L × W) | Ω.Hz½ | Frequency-dependent electrode polarization resistance |
Cpol | 11.3 × L × W | F. Hz½ | Frequency-dependent electrode polarization capacitance |
Rbulk | 8s/(σs × L × W) | Ω | Bulk resistance of eluate on DEP electrode |
Cbulk | 690 × L × W/(8* s) | pF | Bulk capacitance of DEP electrode |
ρp | 1058* | Kg.m−3 | DS19 cell density |
f0 | 74* | kHz | DS19 cell crossover frequency |
F (Mcyt, Mmem) | 0.11* | dimensionless | DS19 HDLF geometric scaling function |
Values derived from the best fit of the DEP-FFF theory.