Figure 1. PCN induces nuclear accumulation of NRF2 in a concentration-dependent manner.
A549 cells were exposed to various concentrations of PCN for 12 hr. Total nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins were harvested for Western blot using anti-NRF2 monoclonal antibody. The same membrane was stripped and probed with antibody against nuclear protein Histone H3 or cytoplasmic protein GAPDH for loading controls. The experiments were repeated three times with similar results. The western blots from one typical experiment are shown. Densitometry data represent the mean ± SD from all three experiments. *p<0.05 when PCN-exposed cells were compared with the control cells exposed to same volume of sterile water. (A) Nuclear NRF2 after 12 hr of exposure to indicated concentrations of PCN. (B) Densitometry analysis of the nuclear NRF2. (C) Cytoplasmic NRF2 after 12 hr of exposure to PCN. (D) Densitometry analysis of the cytoplasmic NRF2.