Figure 8.
Effect of increasing extracellular potassium in AL cardioplegia on return of cardiac output, time to first beat and stroke volume after 1 and 2 h arrest at 32–33°C in the isolated working rat heart [Adapted from Sloots and Dobson (2010)]. (A) Percentage recovery of cardiac output in following 2 h arrest at 32–33°C. +AL (5.9 mM K+) p < 0.01 (One-Way analysis of variance) compared with AL (3, 10, 16 mM K+) and 16 mM K+ alone. ++AL (5.9 mM K+) p < 0.01 (One-Way analysis of variance) compared with AL (3 mM K+); p < 0.05 (repeated measures) compared with AL (3,16 mM K+) and 16 mM K+ alone. *AL (10 mM K+) p < 0.01 (repeated measures) compared with AL (3 mM K+). (B) Relationship between the time to first beat at reanimation after 1 or 2 h arrest and the concentration of potassium in AL cardioplegia solution (5.9, 10, and 16 mM K+). (C) Relationship between stroke volume and increasing concentrations of potassium in AL cardioplegia solution (5.9, 10, and 16 mM K+) at 60 min reperfusion after 1 and 2 h arrest.