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. 2013 Aug 28;4:537. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00537
the aardvark 2.86 the coyote 4.27 the incident 3.14 the prom 4.59
the accident 4.18 the crane 3.23 the lemur 3.59 the quest 4.23
the adventure 4.45 the cyclone 5.59 the lesson 2.50 the reunion 3.32
the alligator 3.32 the dinner 3.18 the lizard 3.36 the rhinoceros 3.45
the alpaca 3.18 the drought 2.50 the llama 3.68 the robbery 4.41
the antelope 4.05 the elephant 3.77 the luncheon 2.81 the rodeo 3.91
the armadillo 2.86 the episode 3.09 the marathon 5.23 the salamander 3.27
the avalanche 5.27 the exam 3.36 the meerkat 3.41 the seminar 2.95
the banquet 3.41 the excursion 3.82 the mongoose 3.36 the sermon 2.41
the beaver 3.50 the falcon 3.86 the mosquito 4.23 the session 2.50
the blizzard 4.32 the famine 2.91 the movie 3.91 the shark 4.73
the brunch 2.95 the festival 4.45 the muskrat 3.73 the shindig 3.27
the burglary 4.00 the funeral 2.68 the nightmare 3.27 the speech 3.59
the butterfly 3.91 the gala 3.45 the octopus 4.00 the spider 3.91
the camel 3.32 the gazelle 4.91 the orangutan 4.05 the storm 4.76
the carnival 4.14 the giraffe 4.09 the ostrich 3.95 the supper 2.95
the caterpillar 2.86 the gopher 3.05 the pageant 3.52 the surgery 3.82
the ceremony 3.95 the gorilla 4.14 the parakeet 3.14 the tornado 5.82
the chameleon 3.27 the hamster 3.73 the peacock 3.68 the tournament 4.50
the chinchilla 2.73 the hedgehog 3.23 the pelican 3.73 the trial 3.23
the cockroach 3.59 the heron 3.27 the pigeon 3.86 the vacation 4.00
the concert 4.18 the holiday 3.36 the platypus 3.09 the vulture 4.41
the contest 3.00 the hurricane 5.45 the porcupine 3.41 the warthog 2.95
the coronation 2.73 the hyena 4.14 the porpoise 3.55 the wedding 3.91
the cougar 3.86 the iguana 2.91 the prank 3.32 the whale 3.95
the acorn 2.55 the chrysanthemum 2.59 the maple 2.32 the shrub 2.27
the almond 2.23 the clementine 2.50 the mushroom 2.45 the soybean 2.32
the apricot 2.91 the clover 2.86 the oak 3.00 the sycamore 2.57
the artichoke 2.73 the coconut 2.77 the orange 2.55 the tangerine 2.36
the asparagus 2.32 the daffodil 2.68 the papaya 2.50 the turnip 2.36
the birch 2.27 the dandelion 2.55 the parsnip 2.18 the twig 2.32
the branch 3.23 the date 3.59 the pistachio 2.00 the vine 2.50
the bush 2.77 the evergreen 2.68 the pomegranate 2.27 the watercress 2.45
the cactus 2.32 the fern 2.41 the radish 2.05 the weed 2.45
the cantaloupe 2.55 the gourd 2.14 the rhubarb 2.45 the yam 2.23
the carnation 2.77 the grape 2.73 the root 2.36 the zucchini 2.45
the cashew 2.23 the herb 2.23 the rutabaga 2.09
the cedar 2.50 the kiwi 3.09 the seed 2.41
to bounce 4.82 to leap 4.36 to scoot 3.45 to swing 4.64
to climb 4.32 to limp 3.23 to scurry 3.82 to trek 4.18
to crawl 3.36 to meander 2.68 to skip 4.91 to trot 4.00
to dance 5.18 to paddle 4.27 to slide 4.55 to twirl 4.24
to drift 3.00 to prance 3.86 to slither 3.55 to twist 4.36
to drop 4.00 to prowl 3.41 to sneak 3.36 to waddle 3.18
to float 3.14 to revolve 4.68 to spin 4.77 to wade 3.18
to frolic 3.55 to ride 4.95 to stagger 3.27 to walk 4.27
to gallop 4.95 to roam 3.55 to stomp 3.73 to wander 3.82
to glide 4.41 to roll 4.55 to stroll 3.18 to whirl 4.24
to hike 4.41 to rotate 4.86 to strut 3.50 to zigzag 4.55
to hobble 3.33 to saunter 2.67 to stumble 3.68
to jump 5.27 to scamper 3.55 to swim 4.86
to admire 3.09 to flare 2.77 to moan 2.55 to sense 2.82
to ascertain 3.05 to flash 3.59 to mumble 2.55 to shimmer 3.27
to babble 2.81 to flicker 2.73 to notice 2.68 to shine 3.05
to behold 3.00 to frisk 3.09 to observe 3.00 to shriek 3.05
to bellow 3.48 to gape 3.05 to ogle 2.32 to sing 3.55
to blare 2.86 to gawk 2.82 to overhear 2.64 to smell 2.77
to blaze 3.27 to gaze 2.27 to overlook 2.91 to sniff 3.09
to buzz 3.41 to glance 2.86 to peek 3.32 to snoop 3.05
to caress 3.55 to gleam 2.41 to peep 2.91 to sparkle 3.41
to chant 2.45 to glimpse 2.91 to peer 3.19 to spy 3.55
to chatter 3.14 to glisten 2.64 to perceive 2.55 to squawk 2.91
to chime 2.68 to glow 3.05 to peruse 2.86 to squeak 3.05
to chuckle 2.82 to groan 2.59 to pet 3.50 to squeal 2.77
to clang 3.23 to growl 2.82 to probe 3.32 to stare 2.95
to click 3.09 to grunt 2.64 to prod 3.00 to stink 2.41
to crackle 3.32 to hiss 2.64 to purr 2.71 to stroke 3.68
to creak 2.64 to hoot 3.18 to recognize 2.23 to tap 4.14
to cry 3.45 to howl 3.27 to reek 2.23 to taste 3.18
to detect 3.23 to hum 2.59 to ring 3.55 to thud 2.91
to discern 2.50 to identify 2.82 to roar 3.71 to twinkle 3.00
to discover 3.73 to inspect 2.95 to rub 3.36 to view 2.77
to eavesdrop 2.41 to investigate 3.59 to rumble 3.82 to wail 3.05
to evaluate 2.68 to jingle 3.41 to rustle 2.86 to whine 3.00
to examine 3.14 to leer 2.50 to scan 2.82 to whisper 2.59
to explore 4.86 to lick 3.91 to scrutinize 2.77 to witness 2.38