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. 2013 May 23;24(9):2267–2273. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdt185

Table 1.

Demographic and medical characteristics for all participants and by group assignment

Attention control group (HE) (n = 106) Intervention group (PACT) (n = 108) P-value
Demographic characteristics
 Age, years
  Mean (SD) 46.2 (11.6) 48.2 (10.1) 0.18
  Range 25–74 25–71
 Married, cohabiting, or in a relationship 60.2 74.1 0.05
   Male 18 (17.0) 18 (16.7) 0.95
   Female 88 (83.0) 90 (83.3)
  Sick leave (part time or full time) 69 (66.3) 75 (72.1) 0.53
  Completed secondary school or higher 76 (71.7) 76 (71.7) 1.00
Health and medical characteristics
 Body mass index, kg/m2
  Mean (SD) 25.1 (3.8) 24.6 (3.8) 0.32
  Range 18–36 17–37
  <18.5 (underweight) 4 8
  18.5–25 (healthy weight) 59 58
  25–30 (overweight) 28 30
  >30 (obese) 15 12
 Disease statusa
  No evidence of disease (NED) 68 (65.4) 72 (66.7) 0.84
  Evidence of disease (ED) 36 (34.6) 36 (33.3)
 Time since chemotherapy completion (days)b
  Mean (SD) 80.9 (62.9) 78 (63.8) 0.69
  Chemotherapy 106 108
  Surgery 87 84
  Radiation therapy including brachytherapy 73 65
  Hormonal 50 49
  Other (i.e. immune therapy, HSCT) 9 12
  Cancer of breast 65 (60.2) 66 (61.1) 0.83
  Cancer of bowel 5 (5) 6 (6)
  Cancer of ovaries 2 (2) 7 (6)
  Cancer of uterus 2 (2) 5 (5)
  Cancer of testes 8 (8) 3 (3)
  Other oncological diagnoses 10 (9) 10 (9)
  Haematological malignancies 13 (12) 12 (11)
Physical activity level (self-reported)
  Sedentary 5 (4.7) 3 (2.8) 0.35
  Walking or cycling for pleasure 64 (60.4) 64 (60.4)
  Regular physical exercise, at least 3 h/week 35 (33.0) 32 (30.2)
  Intense physical activity >4 h/week 2 (1.9) 7 (6.6)
  Sedentary 14 (13.0) 11 (10.2) 0.80
  Walking or cycling for pleasure 65 (60.2) 69 (63.9)
  Regular physical exercise at least 3 h/week 27 (25.0) 28 (25.9)
  Intense physical activity >4 h/week 0 0

aStatus at beginning of cytostatic treatment (i.e. treatment rationale).

bTime since termination of cytostatic treatment calculated in days.

HSCT, Haematopoetic stem cell transplantation.

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