Table 1.
Adjustments to Sections Other than the Results Section of the JARS Questionnaire for All Studies Reporting Results of Structural Equation Modeling
TITLE | The multivariate data to which SEM analyses often are applied and the complexity of relations SEM can be used to test makes it unlikely that, in most cases, the variables under investigation and the relations between them could be fully identified in the title. Instead, we recommend identifying the mechanism or process reflected in the primary model to which the data are fit. |
AUTHOR NOTE | Same as in general questionnaire |
SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACT | Same as in general questionnaire except replace effect sizes, confidence intervals, and/or significance levels under the findings, including: bullet with |
INTRODUCTION | Same as in general questionnaire but replace material under the describe the specific hypothesis or objectives bullet with |
METHOD | Same as in general questionnaire except as follows: |
In the Sampling procedures section, begin with
If the data were collected from research participants, follow the general questionnaire but add to the Measures and covariates section:
Replace the How was sample size determined bullet in the Sample size, power, and precision section with the following:
If the data were generated by simulation, skip the Sample size, power, and precision; and Measures and covariates sections. Replace the Sampling procedures bullets with the following:
DISCUSSION | Same as in general questionnaire, except add to the list under the Are results interpreted taking into account bullet: |