Data Preparation |
Specification |
Which general approach best describes the use of SEM?
strictly confirmatory__ alternative models__ model-generating__
Is a path diagram provided for each model fit to the data?
yes__ no__, explain
Is a full account of the model specification for all models to be evaluated provided, including:
latent variables? yes__ no__
fixed and free parameters? yes__ no__
constrained parameters? yes__ no__
Is sufficient information provided that, for all models evaluated, the degrees of freedom can be derived by the reader?
yes__ no __
Is model identification addressed?
yes, but not established__ yes, and established__ no__, explain
If the model includes a measurement component, is a basis for the specification provided?
yes__ no__ no measurement component__
If the model includes a means component, is the specification of the mean structure described fully?
yes__ no__ no means component__
If the model includes interaction effects, explain how those effects were specified.
interaction effects__ no interaction effects__
If the data are nested (e.g., occasion within person, student within classroom), explain how nonindependence is accounted for in the model.
nested data__ no nested data__
Are any comparisons of parameters to be made between groups or occasions? If so indicate which parameters are to be compared for which groups or occasions.
yes__ no __
Estimation |
Was the software (including version) used for estimation noted?
yes__ no __
Which estimation method was used? Justify its use.
Were any default criteria (e.g., number of iterations, tolerance) adjusted in order to achieve convergence?
yes__, explain no__
Is there any evidence of an improper solution (e.g., error variances constrained at zero; standardized factor loadings greater than 1.0)?
yes__, explain no__
Evaluation of Fit |
How was omnibus fit evaluated (statistics/indexes and criteria)?
Were criteria clearly stated and adhered to for all evaluations of fit?
yes__ no__, explain
If alternative models were compared, what strategy and criterion was used to select one over the other(s)?
alternative models__ no alternative models__
If individual parameters were tested, what test and criterion was used?
parameters tested__ parameters not tested__, explain
If parameters were compared between groups or occasions, indicate how those comparisons were made, including criterion.
between groups/occasions comparisons__ no comparisons__
Re-Specification |
Presentation of Results |
Is the following information provided in the manuscript?
covariance matrix, or a correlation matrix with standard deviations yes__ no__, explain
means yes__ no__, explain
univariate skewness and kurtosis values yes__ no__, explain
Are the case-level data archived and information provided so that they could be accessed by interested readers?
yes__ no__, explain
Does the manuscript clearly indicate whether the model(s) for which results are presented were specified before or after fitting other models or otherwise examining the data?
yes__ no__, explain
For all models to be interpreted, does the report provide
fit statistics/indices, interpreted using criteria justified by citation of most recent evidence-based recommendation?
yes__ no__, explain
difference tests for comparisons between alternative models?
yes__ no__, explain
For all estimated parameters, does the report provide
estimates, indicating whether they are unstandardized or standardized?
yes__ no__, explain
standard errors with unstandardized estimates or, with standardized estimates, results of statistical tests?
yes__ no__, explain
cutoffs for standard levels of significance?
yes__ no__, explain
Do any models include indirect effects?
yes__ no__
If yes, does the report
Are there significant interaction effects?
yes__ no__
If yes, do follow-up analyses make clear the underlying pattern?
yes__ no__, explain