RSD promoted infiltration of peripheral macrophages (ramified GFP+/Iba-1+) into the parenchyma of brain regions associated with fear and anxiety. GFP+ BM-chimeric mice were subjected to six cycles of social defeat (RSD) or left undisturbed as controls (CON). The neuroanatomical distribution of GFP+ cells was determined 14 h after the final cycle of RSD (n = 3–4). A, B, Representative images of GFP (green), merged GFP/Iba-1 (red), and merged GFP/Iba-1/Ly6C (blue) immunofluorescence in the PFC of CON and RSD mice. C, D, Representative images of GFP (green), merged GFP/Iba-1 (red), and merged GFP/Iba-1/Ly6C (blue) immunofluorescence in the AMYG of CON and RSD mice. E, Representative images of GFP (green), merged GFP/Iba-1 (red), and merged GFP/Iba-1/Ly6C (blue) immunofluorescence in the M1 CTX of RSD mice. Scale bars, 100 μm.