Figure 2.
Representative agarose gels used to analyze the incubations of supercoiled 3HT-pUC19 plasmid DNA with 125I-labeled Hoechst (H) derivatives (125I–EH, 125I–BH, 125I-C8–H, and 125I-C12–H) at 4°C in PBS (pH 7.4): – and + indicate absence and presence of DMSO (0.2 M), respectively. Lane C is the control 3HT-pUC19 plasmid DNA incubation that does not contain 125I-labeled compound and remains intact throughout the course of the incubation period. SC, L and N represent supercoiled, linear and relaxed-circular forms of 3HT-pUC19 plasmid DNA. Gels (containing ethidium bromide) were visualized using ultraviolet (320 nm) transillumination.