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. 2013 Sep 1;3(9):1493–1509. doi: 10.1534/g3.113.006742

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Global dynamics of gene expression. The number of expressed (FPKM > 1) AAEL genes (blue) and AAEL and AAEL-NIP transcripts (red) and NTR gene (green), and NTR transcripts (purple) were plotted across all 42 developmental time points (A). Correlation matrix of all 42 poly (A+) RNA seq time points throughout development for AAEL genes and NTRs. Each developmental stage is most highly correlated with its adjacent time point across all embryogenesis. A decrease in correlation is observable in the 36−48hr ovary and 60−72hr ovary, 52−56hr to 56−60hr embryo. The scale bar indicates the coefficient of variation value between samples 0−1 (B). The expression heat map indicates the number of AAEL genes and NTRs that are fivefold upregulated between each sample. The number of AAEL genes and NTRs that are 5 fold up-regulated can be determined by matching the criteria with respect to the sequence of the row tissue (left) to the column tissue (top). For example, there are 10,762 (yellow, highest number of expressed genes and this value is 1) genes and NTRs that have 5-fold more transcriptional activity in the 24hr BF ovary tissue (left) compared with the NBF ovary tissue (top). In addition, there are 4302 (0.399 value in chart) genes and NTRs (blue), which have 5-fold more transcriptional activity in the NBF ovary tissue (left) compared with the 24-hr BF ovary tissue (top). These two statements are mutually exclusive and therefore each cell represents a different set of genes (C). Hierarchical clustering heat map of AAEL genes and NTRs, illustrating the various patterns of gene expression across all developmental time points. Scale bar indicates the FPKM z scores (D). For A−D, The major developmental groups are indicated by color bars and are organized left to right, as follows: M (brown, male testes, male carcass), Fc (purple, NBF Female Carcass, and multiple time points PBM: 12hr, 24hr, 36hr, 48hr, 60hr, and 72hr), O (red, NBF ovaries, and multiple ovarian time points PBM: 12hr, 24hr, 36hr, 48hr, 60hr and 72hr), E (green, embryo, 0-2hr, 2-4hr, 4-8hr, 8-12hr, 12-16hr, 16-20hr, 20-24hr, 24-28hr, 28-32hr, 32-36hr, 36-40hr, 40-44hr, 44-48hr, 48-52hr, 52-56hr, 56-60hr, 60-64hr, 64-68hr, 68-72hr and 72-76hr embryos), L (light blue, larvae, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th instar larvae stages), and P (light orange, male and female pupae).