1 |
Decreased muscle tone |
Bergenheim, Johansson, Pedersen, Ohberg and Sjonlander, 1996; Johansson, Bergenheim, Djupsjoback, and Sjolander, 1995
2 |
Joint hypermobility |
Ferrel et al., 2004 |
3 |
Poor joint alignment and cocontraction |
Lephart and Fu, 2000; Riemann and Lephart, 2002
4 |
Inefficient ankle strategies |
Gatev, Thomas, Kepple, and Hallet, 1999; Horak, Nasher and Diener, 1989; Runge, Shupert, Horak and Zajac,1999
5 |
Inadequate weight-bearing and weight-shifting patterns |
Ashton-Miller et al., 2001 |
6 |
Decreased postural control |
Ghez, 1991 |
7 |
Decreased feedback-related motor planning abilities |
Sober and Sabes, 2003 |
8 |
Decreased feedforward-related motor planning abilities |
Dunn, Gillig, Ponsor, Weil and Utz, 1986; Gatev et al., 1999; Ghez, 1991
9 |
Inefficient grading of force |
Lafargue, Paillard, Lamarre, & Sirigu, 2003 |
10 |
Decreased fluidity of movements (not included in factor analysis) |
Mackrous and Proteau, 2010 |
11 |
Decreased mid-range control (not included in factor analysis) |
Lephart, Puncivero and Rozzi, 1998 |
12 |
Tiptoeing |
Wick and Zanni, 2010 |
13 |
Pushing others or objects |
Parham and Ecker, 2007 |
14 |
Enjoyment when being pulled |
Ayres & Tickle, 1980; Blanche, 2006; Blanche and Reinoso, 2008
15 |
Tendency to lean on others |
Ayres, 1972; Parham and Ecker, 2007
16 |
Over active |
Parham and Ecker, 2007 |
17 |
Overly passive |
Blanche and Reinoso, 2008 |
18 |
Crashing, falling, running |
Dunn, 1999; Dunn and Brown, 1997