Figure 2.
Alignment of genomic DNA sequences associated with CBB-resistance markers; (A) Pv-CTT001, (B) SU91, and (C) SAP6. The degree of conservation of the genomic sequences in G19833 and OAC-Rex between the marker PCR primers is given. The G19833 fragment amplified by the Pv-CTT001 would be expected to be 12 bp larger than the OAC-Rex sequence because of the insert noted (A). For the SU91 marker (B), a null sequence is provided for the G19833 sample, as the marker is not present in this line. The locations of the PCR primers used to amplify these fragments are indicated by blue arrows. ClustalW alignments of the primer regions are given for G19833 and OAC-Rex. For the SAP6 marker (C), both G19833 and OAC-Rex lack the majority of the forward primer sequence, but they contain the majority of the sequence associated with the SCAR marker, including the reverse PCR primer.