Blockade of astrocyte glutamate transporter GLT1 induced an NMDA-mediated tonic inward current (tonic INMDA) that potentiated IGABAA. A1–A3, Representative example of a muscimol-evoked IGABAA before and during bath application of DHK (500 μm). Note the inward shift in Iholding (tonic INMDA) during DHK application, and the enhanced IGABAA magnitude in the presence of DHK (A1). A2, Segments of traces showing IGABAA before (gray) and during (black) DHK application were superimposed for better comparisons. The mean IGABAA magnitude before and during DHK application is shown in A3 (n = 8). B1–B3, Representative traces showing that the potentiation of IGABAA during DHK application persisted when AMPARs were blocked (DNQX, 10 μm, B1), but was blocked when NMDARs were blocked (d-AP5 100 μm, B2). The summary data are shown in B3 (n = 8, 4, and 6 for DHK, DHK plus DNQX, and DHK plus d-AP5, respectively). C1, C2, Representative trace showing that blockade of basal tonic INMDA (d-AP5, 100 μm) reduced the magnitude of IGABAA (C1). Note the outward shift in Iholding evoked by d-AP5. The summary data (n = 8) is shown in C2. *p < 0.05 versus control (A3 and C2), or DHK (B3). All recordings were obtained from sham rats.