Figure 8.
MT neurons are clustered according to the congruency of their depth tuning for disparity and motion parallax. For each recording site for which MU activity was available for MP and BD conditions (N = 117), we computed the difference between the DSDI value for the MP condition (DSDIMP) and that for the BD condition (DSDIBD). This difference was computed from both MU activity (vertical axis) and SU activity (horizontal axis). Data points are color coded according to the congruency of SU responses, as in Figure 4B. For congruent cells (blue), the difference in DSDI is close to zero for both SU and MU activity because depth-sign preferences are well matched. For opposite cells (orange), negative values of the DSDI difference indicate a far preference for the BD condition and a near preference for the MP condition, whereas positive differences indicate a near BD preference and a far MP preference. The robust correlation in this scatter plot (see text for details) indicates clustering according to MP–BD congruency.