Fig. 1.
Gray matter volumes associated with conduct disorder and aggressive behavior. At the center of the top panel in the cut out view brain map, the foci of gray matter (GM) volumes that significantly distinguished the SZ+CD from the SZ–CD men and the CD from the H men, after controlling for age, MAST, and DAST scores, are presented. These sets of voxels are located in the hypothalamus (HT), the right inferior parietal cortex (IPL), and the left superior parietal cortex (SPL). Coordinates of clusters, as well as their sizes and peak z scores are provided in the text. In the top panel, to the left and right of the brain map, the bar charts illustrate the associations between GM volumes of the right and left hypothalamus, respectively, comparing (1) SZ+CD and SZ–CD and (2) CD and H. The bottom panel presents the correlations among GM volumes of the left and right hypothalamus, the number of aggressive CD symptoms prior to age 15, and the mean score for lifetime fighting and assaults.