Attractiveness of lipids extracted from golden hamster Harderian glands.
Harderian glands were obtained from ten female golden hamsters (8 weeks old) under anesthesia with sodium pentobarbital. They were kept overnight in 5 ml of chloroform/methanol (2:1, v/v) at room temperature and then lipids were extracted in the liquid phase. Small portion of this fraction was evaporated under N2 and lipid content was determined. The liquid phase containing 10 mg of lipids was spotted on each plate coated with aluminum sheet (2 cm in diameter). Male hamsters were placed in a polycarbonate cage (width, 20 cm, depth, 36 cm, height, 20 cm) with a sheet of 3 MM paper put on the bottom. Three metal plates spotted with solvent alone, male or female lipids were placed at random on the bottom sheet. The number of times each plate was sniffed was counted within 5 minutes.