A) 4E8g recognizes a 40 kDa protein in A. lumbricoides extract (Al) and a 37 kDa protein in A. pegreffii somatic extract (Ap) and excretory-secretory proteins (ES) B) Antigen recognition in different nematode extracts. Ap, Anisakis pegreffii; Al, Ascaris lumbricoides; C, Contracaecum sp.; Hp, Heligosomoides polygyrus; Nb, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis; So, Syphacia obvelata. 4E8g antigen could be successfully purified from both (C) somatic and (D) excretory-secretory extracts of Anisakis by immunoaffinity spin columns and was identified as Anisakis haemoglobin. 1–6 = elution fractions 1–6, FT, flowthrough of spin column, Ap, Anisakis pegreffii, ES, excretory-secretory proteins.