Fig. 10.
Effect of sustained perturbations of inflow pressure on MD fluid flow rates, chloride concentrations, and chloride delivery rates, for TGF gain γ = 5 and delay τ = 3.5 s. Results were obtained for two cases: no TGF control (open-loop, open circle), TGF control with LCO (closed-loop, closed circle). For perturbations of ± 20%, 25%, and 30%, the LCO were suppressed by the perturbations. A: time-averaged flow rate at MD, given as a percentage of respective base-case values, in response to the sustained perturbations in inflow pressure. Dotted line is obtained via extrapolation. B: time-averaged chloride concentration at MD, as percentage of respective base-case values. C: time-averaged chloride delivery rate to MD, as a percentage of respective base-case values.