Schematics of NKX2-1 functions and its interactions with miRNAs.
A, the graphical presentation summarizes the opposing functional roles of Nkx2-1 in mouse models (11, 22, 64). Exp, expression. B, NKX2-1 is imbedded in a miRNA-based signaling network, with miRNAs acting both up- and downstream. The relevant studies establishing individual interactions are indicated as follows: a, Ref. 82; b, Refs. 11 and 96; c, Ref. 84; d, Ref. 68; e, Ref. 11; and f, Refs. 87–90. *, a direct impact on cholesterol homeostasis by NKX2-1 remains to be demonstrated. This figure was modified from Qi et al. (82) with permission.