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. 2013 Jul 20;31(9):807–822. doi: 10.1007/s40273-013-0076-z

Table 2.

Values used in the model

Source data Value used in the model Variation in sensitivity analysis (upper, lower)
Patient weight Average weight of men/women from BNF [56] 63 kg 58.00, 68.00a
Cardiac morbidity—DFP or combination therapy Non-RCT; 4 % over 5 years [43] 4 % 0.00, 9.23b
Cardiac morbidity—DFO/DFX Non-RCT; 21 % over 5 years [43] 21 % 11.78, 30.22b
Cardiac mortality—DFP/combination therapy RCT: 0 deaths over 5 years [34] 0 % at 5 years 0, 2.49b
Cardiac mortality—DFO/DFX RCT: 4.8 % mortality over 5 years [34] 4.8 % at 5 years 1.58, 9.71b
Utility associated with cardiac morbidity 0.921 [52] 7.9 % decrement applied to the utility value for each treatment regimen 0.815, 1.000a
Adverse events
DFP/combination therapy—agranulocytosis Product SPC: 0.6 per 100 patient-years [15] Annual rate of 0.6 % 0.21, 0.35c
DFP/combination therapy—neutropenia Product SPC: 2.5 per 100 patient-years [15] Annual rate of 2.5 % 1.88, 3.13c
DFX—hepatitis Product SPC: 0.7 % [17] 0.7 % 0.02 %, 1.58 %b
DFX—Fanconi syndrome Clinical case reports: 0.8 % [51] 0.8 % 0.02 %, 1.63 %c
DFO—no AEs
Risk of mortality associated with agranulocytosis Post-marketing data: 13.83 % 13.83 % 6.85, 20.81b
Utility associated with AEs
Agranulocytosis Published model: 0.460 [54] 0.460 for 7 days, 54.0 % decrement from perfect health 0.345, 0.575c
Neutropenia Published model: 0.782 [55] 0.782 for 1 day, 21.8 % decrement from perfect health 0.587, 0.978c
Hepatitis Published model: 0.770 [53] 0.770 for 365 days, 23.0 % decrement from perfect health 0.710, 0.810c
Fanconi syndrome No data available No impact on QoL No variation
Route of administration utility
Oral Prior economic evaluation: 0.840 [28] 0.840 0.66, 1.00d
SC infusion Prior economic evaluation: 0.660 [28]

0.66 for five times weekly DFO

0.696 for four times weekly combination therapy

0.25b, 0.84d

AE adverse event, BNF British National Formulary, DFO desferrioxamine, DFP deferiprone, DFX deferasirox, QoL quality of life, RCT randomized controlled trial, SC subcutaneous, SPC summary of product characteristics

aReported in source. Calculated based on standard error reported in source. Calculated by varying the reported value ±25 %. Calculated value would be outside the plausible range, value set to plausible maximum (i.e., maximum SC infusion utility cannot be higher than the standard oral utility, and the minimum oral utility cannot be lower than the standard SC infusion utility)