Expression of the histone modification markers, H4K20Me3 and H4K16Ac, in LPDL and HPDL HDFs.
Cells were treated with or without H2O2 at 100 μM for 2 h then changed into fresh full medium for 24 h before collecting nuclear extracts for western blots (see text for detailed information). A, Representative immunoblot of H4K20Me3 and H4K16Ac in LPDL and HPDL. Total H4 was used as loading control. B and C, Densitometric analyses of the western blots in “A”, H4K20Me3 (B) or H4K16Ac (C) after normalization to H4. Results are averages of at least three independent experiments, bar graphs indicate mean±SD; ⁎p <0.05, HPDL vs. LPDL within each group; †p<0.05, H2O2 treated LPDL or HPDL vs. untreated LPDL or HPDL.