Distributions of the traps' angles (modulo π) for two oscillators in the geometrical configuration shown in figure 2. The axes on the graphs are θ1 and θ2 and the colour scale is dark (less probable) to bright (most probable). Distributions are plotted for different values of Rf and α for 3000 s long simulations. In the wide range of Rf/Rg from 0.2 to 0.8, the angles align to (0, 0) when α = 0.7. The alignment occurs in the direction defined by the line joining the two centres of the oscillators (from which the angles are measured). For α = 2, the angles do not converge, but tend to explore states close to the locus of points for which the hydrodynamic coupling along the directions of oscillations is 0 (zero-rr-coupling lines, satisfying hrr(θ1, θ2) = 0 and represented in black, see §4). (Online version in colour.)