Number of adult hippocampal amplifying progenitors in cell cycle is reduced in Ift20fl/fl::mGFAP-Cre::nestin-CFPnuc (Ift20 mutant) mice. A, B, Confocal GFAP (red) and CFPnuc (green) double staining in DG of 8-week-old Ift20fl/fl::mGFAP-Cre::nestin-CFPnuc (Ift20 mutant) and Ift20+/+::mGFAP-Cre::nestin-CFPnuc (wild-type) mice allows the identification of radial NSCs that present a radial GFAP process and nuclear CFPnuc+ staining, and amplifying progenitors that present nuclear CFPnuc+ staining but without radial GFAP process. C, Quantification of radial NSCs (radial GFAP+) and amplifying progenitors (without GFAP+ radial process) CFPnuc+ cells revealed a reduction of amplifying progenitors. D, E, Confocal GFAP (white), CFPnuc (green), and PCNA (red) triple staining in DG of 8-week-old Ift20fl/fl::mGFAP-Cre::nestin-CFPnuc mice. D, Amplifying progenitor cells in cell cycle (arrow; PCNA+) and in quiescence (arrowhead; PCNA−). E, Radial NSCs in cell cycle (arrow; PCNA+) and in quiescence (arrowhead; PCNA−). F, Quantification of SGZ stem/progenitor cells (CFPnuc+) in 8-week-old Ift20fl/fl::mGFAP-Cre::nestin-CFPnuc (Ift20 mutant) and Ift20+/+::mGFAP-Cre::nestin-CFPnuc (wild-type) mice showed a decrease in number of amplifying progenitors in cell cycle (PCNA+). Radial NSCs and amplifying progenitor cells were distinguished by the presence or lack of a radial GFAP+ process, respectively. Section thickness: A, B, D, E, 30 μm. Scale bars: A, B, 100 μm; D, E, 25 μm. **p < 0.01. Data are expressed as mean values ± SEM.