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. 2013 Sep 2;4:577. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00577

Table 1.

Prospective studies using restraint measures to predict weight change.

Citation N Sex Age TI BMI Measure type BMI: SR or PM Time length Predict weight gain? Y or N
de Lauzon-Guillain et al., 2006 Younger: 271 M = 139 Younger: 16.4a Younger: 20.1 CRb PM T1—T2: 2 yrs N—Younger
Older: 466 F = 132 Range: 14–24 Older: 24.7 N—Older
M = 207 Older: 42.7
F = 259 Range: 31–67
Delinsky and Wilson, 2008 149 F 17.92 (±0.50) 22.3 (±3.52) DR SR T1—T2: 8 mos N
Drapeau et al., 2003 75 M = 30 M: 44.2 (±2.6) M: 29.7 (±1.3) CR PM T1—T2: 6 yrs N—M
F = 45 F: 38.0 (±2.0) F: 28.3 (±1.1) N—F
Finlayson et al., 2012 120 M = 22 19.2 (±2.6) 21.9 (±3.2) CRb PM T1—T2: 12 mos N
F = 98
Hays et al., 2006 36 F 61.3 (±3.1) 23.5 (±3.1) CR PM T1—T2: 4.4 N
Range: 55–65 (±0.9) yrs
Klesges et al., 1992 250 M = 123 35.7 (±4.51) M: ~26.95 RS PM T1—T2: 1 yr N—M
F = 127 Range: 26–53 F: ~24.73 Y—F
Klesges et al., 1991 305 M = 98 21 (±6.23) Overall means not reported RS SR T1—T2: 2.5 yrs N
F = 207
Koenders and van Strien, 2011 1562 M = 963 44.10 (±8.90) 25.08 (±3.5) DR SR T1—T2: 2 yrs N
F = 599
Lowe et al., 2006 69 F 18.06 (±0.23) 21.9 (± 2.4) CR & DR PM T1—T2: 8 mos N
Range: 18–19
Pliner and Saunders, 2008 72 M = 15 ~18.7 M: ~23.5 RS PM T1—T2: 5.5 mos N
F = 57 F: ~22.9
Savage et al., 2009 163 F 35.7 (±4.7) 26.5 (±6.2) CR PM T1—T2: 6 yrs N
Snoek et al., 2008 808 M = 405 Youngerc: 13.4 (±0.50) Younger: ~18.9 DR SR T1—T2: 3 yrs Nd
F = 403 Older: 15.2 (±0.60) Older: ~19.9
Range: 13–16
Stice et al., 1999 692 F 14.9 21.9 RS PM T1—T2: 4 yrs N
Range: 3.6–17.1
Tiggemann, 2004 77 M = 19 25.12 (±8.76) Not reported RS SR T1—T2: 8 yrs N—M
F = 58 N—F
Tucker and Bates, 2009 192 F 40 (±3) Not reported DR PM T1—T2: 3 yrs N
Van Strien et al., 1986 590 M = 308 48.2 (±14.5)e ~26.74 (±4.33) DR SR T1—T2: 2 yrs N
F = 282 Range: 19–75

T1, Time 1 measurement; T2, Time 2 measurement; BMI, body mass index; DR, Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire, Restrained Eating subscale; CR, Three Factor Eating Questionnaire, Cognitive Restraint subscale; RS, Herman and Polivy Revised Restraint Scale; SR, self-report; PM, physical measurement.


This study included adult parents and their offspring. Each group was analyzed separately.


These studies used the cognitive restraint scale from the 18-item revised Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (38), whereas all other studies labeled CR used the cognitive restraint scale from the original TFEQ (15).


Participants were sibling pairs; data were split by cohort (older sibling and younger sibling) and analyzed separately; non-independent observations are not an issue because older siblings were compared only to other older siblings in other families. Sibling pairs were not combined in analyses.


This study looked at 4 longitudinal analyses across 3 years (year 1 to year 2; year 2 to year 3). Since only one of these analyses predicted weight gain from year 1 to year 2, we counted this study as having not found that restraint predicted weight gain over the 3 years.


Age information applies to all participants included in baseline assessments, not just those who completed follow up.