qAF by image analysis. Measurement areas (outlined in white) consist of three concentric rings (outer, middle, and inner) divided into eight segments, and a circular foveal area. Values used in the current work were obtained in the middle ring marked by thickened lines. The positions of the segments are all dependent upon the horizontal distance FD between the fovea (+) and the temporal edge of the disc (white line). The radii of the centerlines expressed in pixels (or in degrees visual angle, for the average value of FD = 315 pixels), for the outer, middle, and inner, are 0.90 × FD (11.1°), 0.68 × FD (8.4°), and 0.46 × FD (5.7°), respectively. The thickness of the segments is 0.2 × FD pixels (2.5°) and the angles subtended by the segments are 40°. The central circle (fovea) has a radius of 0.1 × FD pixels (1.2°). The internal fluorescent reference (top) was recorded simultaneously with the image; the GLR was measured in the rectangular area outlined in black. The area of highest AF in the image is indicated by a square and cross.