Figure 3. CK2 activity is required for the recruitment of the NCoR-HDAC3 corepressor complex to AP-1 site of the IP-10 promoter in PC-3 cells.
(A) A diagram of the IP-10 promoter showing the position of the AP-1 site and the primers used for real-time PCR analyses in ChIP assays. ChIP assays were performed with the indicated antibodies. The precipitated samples were analyzed by real-time PCR, and results are given as the percentage of input (mean ± SD of three independent experiments). Error bars indicate SD of three independent sets. * p<0.01 vs. LNCaP; ** p<0.001 vs. LNCaP (B) PC-3 cells were treated with or without TBB and ChIP/reChIP assays were performed with the indicated antibodies. Error bars indicate SD of three independent sets. * p<0.05; ** p<0.01.