Figure 4.
The relocation kinetics of NBS1 mutants during DNA damage response. (A) The R28A mutation in the FHA domain of NBS1 abolishes the stable retention but not the early recruitment of NBS1 to DNA damage sites. The NBS1 R28A-GFP was expressed in wild-type or MDC1−/− MEFs treated with or without olaparib or GLTN. The relocation of the R28A-GFP to DNA damage sites was monitored in a time course following laser microirradiation. (B) K160A mutation in the BRCT domain of NBS1 abolishes the early recruitment but not the stable retention of NBS1 at DNA damage sites. The NBS1 K160A-GFP was expressed in wild-type or MDC1−/− MEFs treated with or without olaparib. The relocation of NBS1 K160A-GFP to DNA damage sites was monitored in a time course following laser microirradiation. GFP fluorescence at the laser line was converted into a numerical value using Axiovision software (version 4.5). Normalized fluorescent curves from 50 cells from three independent experiments were averaged. (A,B) The error bars represent the standard deviation.