Figure 4.
Telomere dysfunction induced by shelterin alteration does not alleviate TPE. (a) Representative images of confocal sections of TRF1 (green) and 53BP1 foci (red) in nuclei of C33A cells transduced with shRNA directed either against TERF2 or POT1 transcripts or against control (scramble). Merging shows the colocalization between 53BP1 and TRF1 foci named TIFs. (b) Histograms display the quantification of TIFs per nucleus and represent the mean value of three independent experiments with the SD shown as error bars. (c) Expression of TERF2 or POT1 mRNA in cells transfected with shRNA lentivectors. (d) Percentage of eGFP-positive cells measured by flow cytometry analysis. Results are the average of three independent experiments (n = 3, error bars ± SD). P value corresponds to the comparison of shTERF2 or shPOT1 and sh-scramble (F-test). TIF, telomere damage induced foci; TPE, telomere position effect.