Effects of a change in strain regimen on angiogenesis. A. Schematic depicting the four different experimental groups, each of which was quantified for total network length and average sprout angle on day 4 and day 8. Strained conditions were subjected to 10% strain, 0.7Hz. B. Quantification of network lengths, normalized to the day 4 unstrained condition, showed that the magnitude of sprouting was unaffected by changes in the strain regimen. C. Cells under strain showed biasing parallel to the direction of strain at day 4. When the strain stimulus was removed, biasing disappeared. @ and * are statistically different, $ and % are statistically different, # and & are statistically different. Other comparisons are either not significant or were not made. Random alignment corresponds to an average angle of 45 degrees, while perfect alignment in the direction of strain corresponds to 0 degrees. Data reported as mean +/− S.E.M.