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. 2013 Jun 13;144(3):923–929. doi: 10.1378/chest.12-3098

Table 1.

—Participant Characteristics

Characteristica No. (%)
Age, mean (range), y 11 (5-17)
Male patient 79 (57)
Black patient 125 (91)
Annual household income < $30,000/y (n = 127) 87 (69)
Parental education
 Not a high school graduate 42 (30)
 High school graduate 43 (31)
 Some college 53 (38)
Insurance (n = 136)
 Public 117 (86)
 Private or self pay 19 (14)
Total IgE, median (IQR), kU/L (n = 136) 170 (50-450)
Atopic (≥ 1 positive skin test) 124 (90)
Allergy skin testing results
 Cat 89 (64)
 Rat 83 (60)
 Cockroach 81 (59)
 Dust mite 77 (56)
 Mouse 71 (51)
 Dog 22 (16)
Spirometry,b mean (SD)
 FEV1, % predicted 94.4 (17.7)
 FEV1/FVC % 80.7 (9.6)
 Reversible (≥ 12%) 34 (27)
Feno, median (IQR), ppb 32 (16-61)
Use of controller medications for asthma 97 (70)
ED visit in the past 12 mo 111 (80)
Hospitalization in the past 12 mo 26 (19)
ED visit or hospitalization 116 (84)
Maximum symptom days/2 wk,c mean ± SD 3.3 ± 4.0
Days of SABA use/2 wk, mean ± SD 4.1 ± 4.9

Feno = fractional exhaled nitric oxide; IQR = interquartile range; ppb = parts per billion; SABA = short-acting β agonist.


n = 138 patients.


Valid data for 126 participants overall and 124 participants for bronchodilator effects.


Maximum days of slowed activity, with exercise-related or nocturnal symptoms.