(A–C) Representative images of fertilized eggs laid by females overexpressing 3×FLAG-Mtrm using the MATalpha4-GAL-VP16 driver. (A) Embryo undergoing “nuclear fallout.” Nuclei can be seen having fallen below the surface of the embryo (white arrows). (B) An embryo showing scattered DNA with disorganized tubulin. (C) An embryo that underwent uneven development across its length, showing abnormal development up to the blastoderm stage. (D–F) Control fertilized eggs showing proper development at comparable stages to those in (A–C). Scale bar indicates 100 um in (A), (C), (D), and (F). It indicates 20 um in (B), (E), and (G). (G) A fertilized egg laid by females overexpressing 3×FLAG-Mtrm and heterozygous for polo11. These embryos predominantly had scattered DNA and disorganized tubulin. (H) Quantification of embryos shown in (A–G). The genotype for Overexpression Mtrm is UAS3×FLAGmtrm/+; P{matα4-GAL-VP16}V37/+ (n = 93), the genotype for polo11/+ is polo11/P{matα4-GAL-VP16}V37 (n = 137), +/+ is the control for driver alone and is TM6,Sb/P{matα4-GAL-VP16}V37 (n = 109), the genotype for Overexpression Mtrm;polo11/+ is UAS3×FLAGmtrm/+; polo11/P{matα4-GAL-VP16}V37 (n = 86), and the genotype for Overexpression Mtrm-T40A is UAS3×FLAGmtrm-T40A/+; P{matα4-GAL-VP16}V37/+ (n = 45).