Chart 3.
Studies involving systemic retinoids in prevention and treatment of actinic keratoses, in chronological order
Author (year) | Study design Nº patients | Drug and treatment duration | Results |
Moriarty (1982)18 | Cross-over, open, randomized, controlled; 50 immunocompetent patients | Etretinate 5mg 3x/day versus placebo, 2months, after, the groups were swapped for 2 more months (placebo x etretinate) | 84% of the etretinate group had complete or partial response compared to 5% in the placebo group |
Shuttleworth (1988) 37 | Cases series 6 transplanted patients | Etretinate 1mg/kg/day, 6months | "Almost" complete resolution of neoplastic and pre-neo-plastic lesions in 4 patients, partial response in 1 patient |
Kelly (1991)26 | Cases series 4 transplanted patients | Etretinate 50mg/day, 8-13months | AKs were not counted but they became less severe after treatment |
Bavinck (1995)27 | Double-blind, randomized, controlled 44 transplanted patients | Acitretin 30mg/ day versus placebo, 6 months | 13.4% of patients in the acitretin group saw decreases in the number of AKs, while in the placebo group, 28.2% of the patients saw increases |
Majewski (1994)32 | Cases series 4 immunocompetent patients | Isotretinoin 0.4-0.5mg/kg/day + calci-triol 0.5-1µg, 12months, approximately | Patient 1- complete clearance; Patients 2 and 3- AK regression about 50 to 80%; Patient 4 - regression of 40% of AKs in number and size |
Yuan (1995)33 | Cases series 15 transplanted patients | Acitretin 10-50mg/day, 6-12 months | The number of skin cancers decreased in 4 of the 6 patients. All warts and AKs had improvement in all patients (without counting) |
Rook (1995)25 | Open, non-randomized, controlled 11 transplanted patients | Group 1= 7 patients (tretinoin 0.025% to 0.05% according to tolerance) + (etretinate 10mg/day or alternate days), 6 months according to improvement in AKs Group 2= 4 patients (tretinoin 0.025 to 0.05%, according to tolerance) | Both groups obtained a decrease in the number of AKs and an improvement in the number of Langerhans cells. Four patients in the combined group obtained almost 50% regression of AKs while 2 in the tretinoin group obtained improvement, after six months |
Hughes (1998)30 | Cases series 15 immunocompetent patients | Etretinate,18 month follow-up 1st month - 1.5mg/kg/day 2nd and 3rd months - 0.75mg/kg/day | Only 12 patients with AKs completed the study, with an average reduction in the number of AKs before and after treatment of 12.73 to 5.82 |
McKenna (1999)38 | Cases series, 16 transplanted patients | Acitretin 0.3mg/kg/day, 5 years | There was significant improvement in warts and AKs, but they were not counted |
George (2002)35 | Cross-over, open, randomized controlled 23 immunocompetent patients | Group 1: Acitretin 25mg/day (variable) + placebo, 12months Group 2: Placebo + Acitretin 25mg/day (variable), 12months | In the acitretin group, complete clearance or reduction in number of AKs occurred in all patients, except one. In the placebo group, there was an increase of 50% in the number of AKs in 3 patients and 6 remained with no significant change |
McNamara (2002)36 | Cases series 5 transplanted patients | Acitretin 10 or 25mg/day, 10-24 months | AKs seemed to be in varying degrees of resolution with treatment but they were not counted |
De Sevaux (2003)28 | Open, randomized controlled 26 transplanted patients | Acitretin Group 1: 0.4mg/kg/ day, 12 months Group 2: 0.4mg/kg/ day, 3 months + 0.2mg/kg/ day, 9 months | Significant reduction in number of AKs in both groups after 2 months, but no difference between the groups at any particular point |
Smit (2004)45 | Cases series 33 transplanted patients | Acitretin: up to 0.4mg/kg/ day, 3months (biopsy of AKs) | Reduction of 44% in epidermal thickness due to stratum corneum, no difference in expression of p53 and Ki67 and an increase in the expression of K13 and K19 after treatment with acitretin |