Dendrite morphology is unchanged in unc-104bris/− embryos at 16.5 h AEL. (A and B) Confocal images of sensory neurons in embryos that express UAS-actinGFP panneuronally (elav-Gal4/+;;UAS-actinGFP/+ [control] and unc-104bris/−;UAS-actinGFP/+ [unc-104bris/−]). (A and B) No morphological alterations were observed in unc-104bris/− embryos. (A′ and B′) The axonal or dendritic morphology of bipolar (arrowheads) or dendritic arborization neurons (A′′,A′′′,B′′, and B′′′; arrows) is indistinguishable between unc-104bris/− and control embryos. Bars: A, 20 µm; A′ and A′′, 10 µm; A′′′, 1 µm.