Figure 2.
Phenotypic range of diaphragmatic defects associated with early childhood lethality. These lesions either involve the entire hemidiaphragm (A, hemidiaphragmatic CDD or aplasia) or the posterolateral regions (B–D). Other defects involve lateral regions but have preserved posterior diaphragmatic tissue (E,G; G is repaired with star marking the patch). Occasionally, defects are posteromedial (F). Both E and F have contralateral noncommunicating defects that mirror the communicating defects (both defects marked with arrows). Some defects are more anterior than posterolateral (G vs D or H), even though they were previously diagnosed as Bochdalek hernias. Noncommunicating defects (arrows) may be focal (I–L), diffuse (M), or both (N,O). They may be associated with mild (I,J,M–Q) or severe (K,L) organ displacement. They may be unilateral (I,K,L), bilateral, and symmetric (J,O–Q), or bilateral and nonsymmetric (M,N). Noncommunicating defects with mild organ displacement are appreciated better on in situ examination. For example, posterior CDD-nc regions in O resulted in mild displacement of the kidneys (arrows: P, right; Q, left). A color version of this figure is available online.