Left-sided diaphragmatic defect variability captured using the phenotyping worksheet for surgically repaired cases. Congenital diaphragmatic defects traditionally called “posterolateral hernias” or “Bochdalek hernias” vary in their location, preservation of peripheral diaphragmatic tissue, and size. Eight examples of clinically diagnosed posterolateral defects show actual locations including hemidiaphragmatic CDD-c (aplasia) with an intact posteromedial diaphragm (A), posterior CDD-nc with a normal lateral diaphragm (B), posterolateral CDD-c with no lateral tissue (C), posteromedial CDD-nc (D), posterior CDD-c (E), elongated “slit” CDD-c with extension to the lateral wall but well preserved posterior diaphragm (F), posterolateral CDD-c with preserved diaphragmatic tissue on all sides (G), and aplasia (CDD-c) with only anterior diaphragm present (H).