Table 1.
Different available technologies used to treat slaughterhouse wastewater.
Sl no. | Technology adopted | Input characteristics of slaughterhouse wastewater | Observations | References |
(1) | Anaerobic treatment of slaughterhouse wastewaters in a UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactor and in an anaerobic filter (AF). | Slaughterhouse wastewater showed the highest organic content with an average COD of 8000 mg/L, of which 70% was proteins. The suspended solids content represented between 15 and 30% of the COD. | The UASB reactor was run at OLR (Organic Loading Rates) of 1–6.5 kg COD/m3/day. The COD removal was 90% for OLR up to 5 kg COD/m3/day and 60% for an OLR of 6.5 kg COD/m3/day. For similar organic loading rates, the AF showed lower removal efficiencies and lower percentages of methanization. | Ruiz et al. [9] |
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(2) | Anaerobic sequencing batch reactors. | Influent total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) ranged from 6908 to 11 500 mg/L, of which approximately 50% were in the form of suspended solids (SS). | Total COD was reduced by 90% to 96% at organic loading rates (OLRs) ranging from 2.07 to 4.93 kg m−3 d−1 and a hydraulic retention time of 2 days. Soluble COD was reduced by over 95% in most samples. | Massé and Masse [10] |
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(3) | Moving bed sequencing batch reactor for piggery wastewater treatment. | COD, BOD, and suspended solids in the range of 4700–5900 mg/L, 1500–2300 mg/L, and 4000–8000 mg/L, respectively. | COD and BOD removal efficiency was greater than 80% and 90%, respectively at high organic loads of 1.18–2.36 kg COD/m3·d. The moving-bed SBR gave TKN removal efficiency of 86–93%. | Sombatsompop et al. [11] |
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(4) | Fixed bed sequencing batch reactor (FBSBR). | The wastewater has COD loadings in the range of 0.5–1.5 Kg COD/m3 per day. | COD, TN, and phosphorus removal efficiencies were at range of 90–96%, 60–88%, and 76–90%, respectively. | Rahimi et al. [12] |
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(5) | Chemical coagulation and electrocoagulation techniques. | COD and BOD5 of raw wastewater in the range of 5817 ± 473 and 2543 ± 362 mg/L. | Removal of COD and BOD5 more than 99% was obtained by adding 100 mg/L PACl and applied voltage 40 V. | Bazrafshan et al. [13] |
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(6) | Hybrid upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (HUASB) reactor for treating poultry slaughterhouse wastewater. | Slaughterhouse wastewater showed total COD 3000–4800 mg/L, soluble COD 1030–3000 mg/L, BOD5 750–1890 mg/L, suspended solids 300–950 mg/L, alkalinity (as CaCO3) 600–1340 mg/L, VFA (as acetate) 250–540 mg/L, and pH 7–7.6. | The HUSB reactor was run at OLD of 19 kg COD/m3/day and achieved TCOD and SCOD removal efficiencies of 70–86% and 80–92%, respectively. The biogas was varied between 1.1 and 5.2 m3/m3 d with the maximum methane content of 72%. | Rajakumar et al. [14] |
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(7) | Anaerobic hybrid reactor was packed with light weight floating media. | COD, BOD and Suspended Solids in the range of 22000–27500 mg/L, 10800–14600 mg/L, and 1280–1500 mg/L, respectively. | COD and BOD reduction was found in the range of 86.0–93.58% and 88.9–95.71%, respectively. | Sunder and Satyanarayan [15] |