We found the 3
rd order maximum entropy model for the mice configurations, with an additional penalty term that minimized the number of non-zero parameters (see Materials and methods). The balance between maximizing the model's entropy and minimizing the penalty is controlled by parameter
∈. (
A) The effect of the tradeoff parameter on the accuracy of the model is shown as the Jensen–Shannon divergence (DJS) between the third order maximum entropy model with the penalty term and the model without the penalty term (as in
Figure 3). The Jensen–Shannon divergence equals 0 when the two models are identical, and would be 1 at its maximal value—when the two distributions are distinct. The results are from the second day of the same group as in
Figure 3a. (
B) The fraction of parameters that equal zero is shown for each order (1
st, 2
nd and 3
rd order parameters of the maximum entropy model) is shown as a function of
∈. The chosen value
, which we used in
Figure 4 is marked by a dashed line on the graphs.