(A) The number of surviving
. benthamiana
plants inoculated with mock buffer, HLSV, TMV and HLSV+TMV at different time points. All plants survived mock and HLSV inoculation. No plants survived inoculation with TMV. Half of the TMV infected
. benthamiana
(pre-inoculated with HLSV 12 days earlier) survived at 40 dpi. (B) The top, middle and bottom rows showed the top, close-ups and the side views of mock buffer (M), HLSV (H), TMV (T) and HLSV+TMV (H+T) inoculated
. benthamiana
plants, respectively. The red dotted line boxes in the top panels highlighted the close-up areas shown in the middle panels. Typical symptoms (red arrows pointing to) of inoculated
. benthamiana
plants are shown in the middle row. Among them, panel M, no symptom; panel H, mild leaf puckering at 20 dpi; panel T, systemic necrosis (plant death) at 8 dpi; panel H+T, mild mosaic symptoms at 20 dpi, plant height was shorter than H but taller than T inoculated plants. All scale bars represent 1 cm.