Table 1. Statistical Analysis of Relationships of EEG Activity to REMs, Metabolic Rate, and Temperature in 7 Animals Recorded During Torpor.
Lemur | Site | Metabolic Recording | Recording Duration | Correlation of Ambient Temperature and Total EEG Power | Correlation of Metabolic Rate and Total EEG Power | Correlation of Ambient Temperature and Number of Rapid Eye Movements per 30 second epoch | Mean Ambient Temp REM Epochs (°C) | Mean Ambient Temp Other Epochs (°C) | Beta Power REM Epochs (µV2) | Beta Power Other Epochs (µV2) | Gamma Power REM Epochs (µV2) | Gamma Power Other Epochs (µV2) |
1 | In Wild | Yes | 5 Days | 0.23 (p<0.0001) | 0.30 (p<0.0001) | 0.35 (p<0.0001) | 27.26 (4.9) | 19.75*** (6.5) | 0.34 (0.057) | 0.73*** (0.73) | 0.0040 (0.007) | 0.042*** (0.063) |
2 | In Wild | No | 2 Days | 0.30 (p<0.0001) | N/A | 0.32 (p<0.017) | 30.00 (6.4) | 18.48*** (7.89) | 0.053 (0.002) | 0.062* (0.34) | 0.00068 (0.00015) | 0.0032***(0.0037) |
3 | In Wild | No | 1 Day | 0.21 (p<0.0001) | N/A | 0.23 (p<0.07) | 26.40 (4.97) | 20.49*** (8.81) | 0.074 (0.032) | 0.16 (0.59) | 0.00084 (0.00019) | 0.0012* (0.0012) |
4 | In Wild | No | 3 Days | −0.13 (N.S.) | N/A | 0.21 (p<0.02) | 24.46 (7.22) | 20.46*** (7.08) | 0.13 (0.032) | 0.24*** (0.16) | 0.0050 (0.0017) | 0.0081***(0.0087) |
5 | In Wild | No | 2 Days | 0.015 (N.S.) | N/A | 0.25 (p<0.04) | 31.48 (1.15) | 19.61*** (7.92) | 0.27 (0.096) | 0.48*** (0.54) | 0.0030 (0.00085) | 0.0063 (0.346) |
6 | In Wild | No | 2 Days | −0.04 (N.S.) | N/A | 0.28 (p = 0.079) | 30.02 (3.89) | 27.2* (6.72) | 0.3 (0.059) | 1.04* (1.98) | 0.0047 (0.0012) | 0.033* (0.071) |
7 | DLC | Yes | 6 Hours | −0.12 (N.S.) | 0.66 (p<0.0001) | N/A | 21.2 (0.71) | 20.5 (0.64)‡ | 0.20 (.0049) | 1.32 (1.81)‡ | 0.0019 (0.0033) | 0.032 (0.092) ‡ |
p<0.0001 For Difference between REM Epochs and Epochs Other Than REM; DLC = Duke Lemur Center;
Only 2 REM epochs were included in these analyses.