Temporal HFO distributions are stereotyped across different seizures in some patients. HFOs are displayed by their first 2 principle components and stratified by seizure. Plot is similar in organization to Fig. 3, but coloring corresponds to nearest seizure. A: in patient C, there are distinct patterns seen before or after certain seizures, such as 30–20 min preictally in seizure 3. This patient does not have stereotyped HFO distributions (P < 0.05). B: patient A has very similar distribution across all seizures in every stage, a stereotyped response (P > 0.1). All plots have same axes and scale, shown at bottom left (bars: 1 unit). C: P values for the ANOVA of the first 2 PCA components. Bar graphs of average P value across all stages except interictal in each patient. Bars indicate 1 SD (n = 9 stages). *Statistical significance (P < 0.05) Insignificant P values correspond to similarity in the distributions.