Light-induced photoreceptor degeneration by apoptosis. Balb/c mice were exposed to 5000 lux of white light during 1 h. Compared with retina unexposed to light (a), cresyl violet staining of mice, respectively, analyzed 24, 36 and 48 h after LD (b–d) showed that LD-induced photoreceptor cell death progressed with time. (e) Cytoplasmic-free nucleosomes in the retina were quantified using an ELISA-based cell death detection kit at the different time points indicated. One-way ANOVA (Dunnett's post hoc test) analysis revealed that the number of free nucleosomes released after LD were significantly higher 24, 36 and 48 h after the lesion compared with animals unexposed to LD (P<0.001 for all time points studied). Each bar represents the mean value±S.D. (n=6 per group). ONL: outer nuclear layer, INL: inner nuclear layer, scale bar: 50 μm