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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Sep 5.
Published in final edited form as: Sex Transm Dis. 2011 Jun;38(6):459–466. doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0b013e3182080860


Demographic Characteristics, Behaviors, and Attitudes of Those Who Report Having Had at Least 1 Concurrent Sexual Relationship Compared to Those Who Report Having Engaged Only in Serial Monogamy in Past 12 Months, Aged 15–24 Years, South Africa, 2003 (Weighted Proportions)*

(n = 234)
(n = 915)
P Monogamists
(n = 191)
(n = 229)
HIV positive 4.1 7.0 0.14 21.5 27.1 0.42
Black/African (vs. all other races) 81.1 94.6 <0.001 89.6 87.8 0.73
Age 20–24 (vs. 15–19) 48.7 68.8 <0.001 46.1 63.5 0.04
Urban residence (vs. rural) 60.2 52.1 0.20 61.8 62.0 0.98
No education or < high school education completed (vs. completed high school or higher) 35.6 45.1 0.36 31.9 47.0 0.06
Married 0.0 1.8 0.18 0.3 0.8 0.44
Mean no. lifetime sexual partners 5.1 7.7 <0.001 3.6 4.2 0.19
Mean no. sexual partners past 12 mo 2.2 2.9 <0.001 2.0 2.2 0.001
Frequency of condom use with most recent partner 0.13 0.09
  Always 45.2 32.3 41.4 21.0
  More than half the time 9.2 11.1 8.2 11.5
  Half the time 6.5 11.2 10.7 18.0
  Less than half the time 6.7 11.0 19.5 15.0
  Never 32.4 34.4 20.2 34.6
Used condom during last sexual intercourse 63.2 55.3 0.24 71.1 46.2 0.002
Partner type at last sex 0.02 0.04
  Main partner 76.3 78.3 95.7 89.0
  Regular casual 13.6 18.7 2.1 9.7
  Non-regular casual 10.0 3.0 2.2 1.3
Age difference with most recent partner <0.001 0.24
  Same age 81.6 87.9 3.3 3.8
  1–4 yr older 13.3 11.8 64.2 52.1
  5 or more yr older 5.1 0.3 32.5 44.1
Time since coital debut >12 mo (vs. <12 mo) 81.3 94.4 <0.001 75.1 93.6 0.002
Age of coital debut <14 yr old 14.9 22.2 0.24 6.0 14.8 0.01
Ever engaged in transactional sex 5.9 6.3 0.90 1.4 5.3 0.04
Ever been physically forced to have sex 5.4 3.9 0.52 22.0 14.7 0.42
Reports unusual genital discharge in past 12 mo 11.6 16.8 0.27 39.2 25.6 0.13
Reports genital ulcers/sores in past 12 mo 6.3 9.1 0.48 5.2 15.4 0.004
Circumcised 34.5 38.9 0.51 N/A N/A N/A
Ever pregnant N/A N/A N/A 24.8 41.1 0.02
% Agree P % Agree P

It is harder to refuse sex with a partner who is older than you compared to a partner who is the same age as you 32.1 39.5 0.160 47.6 43.7 0.646
Safer sex is a shared responsibility for both partners 97.7 96.9 0.632 97.3 95.8 0.329
It is cool to have a sexual partner who is older than you 23.6 15.6 0.041 32.1 37.2 0.474
It is okay to have a sugar mommy, sugar daddy, or a person with whom you have sex so that they will buy your things 15.7 9.7 0.056 3.3 3.6 0.865
Using condoms is a sign of not trusting your partner 32.6 36.8 0.410 20.6 33.2 0.067
It is against my values for me to have sex while I am still a young person 41.2 36.4 0.390 44.7 43.6 0.902
It is okay to pressure someone into having sex 2.9 2.0 0.529 2.3 1.0 0.312
It is okay to have many sexual partners 5.6 14.1 0.009 1.3 1.6 0.824
Sometimes I have sex with my partner even though my partner does not want to 6.7 10.5 0.126 9.7 14.2 0.305
There are times when I do not want to have sex, but I do because my partner insists on having sex 16.3 20.1 0.345 22.9 39.6 0.011
% Respon ding Yes/Probably Yes P % Responding Yes/Probably Yes P

Would you be able to avoid sex any time you didn’t want it 86.7 87.7 0.838 91.6 89.4 0.272
Would you be able to use a condom every time you have sexual intercourse 73.4 72.7 0.603 84.0 70.1 0.250
Would you be able to refuse to have sex if your partner will not use a condom 70.4 70.3 0.749 67.1 53.7 0.211
Would you be able to talk about using condoms with your partner? 91.7 95.0 0.121 96.5 90.3 0.049

% Low Relationship Control P % Low Relationship Control P

Relationship control index 15.4 14.1 0.715 31.8 27.6 0.673
% Agree P % Agree P
Your partner is faithful, that is they no have other partners 67.0 73.2 0.279 62.4 62.2 0.980

Concurrents are those who report overlapping dates for sexual relationships in the past 12 months and/or who report that they are currently in 2 or more ongoing sexual relationships. Serial monogamists are those who do not report either type of concurrency in the past 12 months, i.e., those who do not report overlapping dates for 2 or more partners and who do not report being in 2 or more ongoing relationships.

Based on a previously published relationship control index29 based on 4 questions originally drawn from the longer Sexual Relationship Power Scale.30,31 Additional details about the scale can be found in Pettifor et al., 2004.29 N/A indicates not applicable.