RAMP1 is up-regulated in human prostate cancer. A: RAMP1 mRNA expression in various human cancers in a multicancer data set from the Oncomine cancer microarray database shows significantly higher RAMP1 levels in prostate relative to other tumors. Bl, bladder; Br, breast; Cl, colon; Ki, kidney; Li, liver; Lu, lung; Ov, ovarian; Pan, pancreatic; Pro, prostate. B: RAMP1 mRNA expression in normal prostate versus prostate cancer from four different prostate cancer microarray data sets from the Oncomine database. C: Examples of immunostaining for anti-RAMP1 in benign prostate, primary prostate cancer, and bone metastasis from a human prostate TMA. Original magnifications: ×10 (left panel); ×40 (right panel). Scale bar = 0.1 mm. D: H-score analysis of anti-RAMP1 staining of samples from two independent human prostate TMAs. The expression levels of RAMP1 in benign and malignant prostatic tissue were compared using the unpaired Student’s t-test. ∗P < 0.05.