Histology of the “epithelium-anterior stroma” interface in GK rat cornea. (A–D) Corneal center of the diabetic corneas No. 5b (A–C) and No. 6b (D). Semi-thin transverse sections stained with toluidine blue (A) and TEM on ultrathin sections (B–D) illustrate the normal collagen matrix organization (B–C) but also abnormal basal lamina (D). (E–H) Corneal periphery of the diabetic corneas No. 5b (E1–E3, F) and No. 6b (E2, G–H). Semi-thin transverse sections stained with toluidine blue (E) illustrate observed proliferative basal epithelial cell (E1–E2) and changes in extracellular matrix organization (E1–E3, white arrowhead) near activated keratocytes (E1, black arrowhead). TEM on ultrathin sections (F–H) show abnormal tile-shaped accumulation of collagen fibrils, surrounding by micro-fibrils (white arrowhead). Ep, epithelium; St, stroma.