FIG. 6.
(previous page) (Color online) Salt dependence of properties of a stretched twisted DNA, as a function of linking number, for a 10 kb molecule for Na+ concentrations of 10 mM (red), 50 mM (cyan), 150 mM (green) and 500 mM (blue), for a force of 1 pN.
(a) Extension versus linking number; curves at ΔLk = 20 run from top to bottom with increasing salt concentration.
(b) Torque versus linking number; curves show results for successively higher salt concentrations from top to bottom.
(c)–(f) Average number of plectonemic (dashed) and curl (solid) regions for (c) 500 mM, (d) 150 mM, (e) 50 mM, and (f) 10 mM.
(g) Mean plectoneme domain size (〈Lp/m〉) for states containing interwound plectonemic regions (curves with successively higher salt have starting points at zero domain size that are located at successively smaller linking number values).