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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Sep 5.
Published in final edited form as: Genet Med. 2010 Jul;12(7):413–423. doi: 10.1097/GIM.0b013e3181e0e979

Table 3.

Literature Review

Date First Author # pts Ages (yrs) GSD Type Type report Cardiac Clinical Sx Echocardiogram Findings

2007 Cochrane10 1 39 IIIa Case report Yes (CHF; transplant) LV ejection fraction 20%
Pulm HTN

2007 Ogimoto25 1 (mentions 6 others) 42 IIIa Case report Yes (exertional chest pain; dyspnea) “Marked hypertrophy”
Abnormal diastolic function

1997 Akazawa26 1 38 IIIa Case report Yes (dyspnea/fatigue w/ exertion; sudden death) Akinetic & thin portions of LV wall
Abnormal systolic function (SF24%)
LVH present (LVmass 225 gm/m2 and septum 18 mm)

1997 Cuspidi13 1 30 IIIa Case report Yes (tachypnea, dyspnea) Severe asymmetric septal hypertrophy, systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve, LV outflow tract obstruction

1997 Shen27 1 4 III Case report Yes (sudden death) LVH present

1997 Lee9 32 0.6 to 31.6 (12 >18 yr) III Cross sectional No symptoms in 5 patients 12/32 w/ LVH (37.5%) (by LV posterior free wall thickness)

1995 Lee28 32 0.6 to 31.6 (12>18 yr) III Cross sectional LV posterior free wall thickness
6/18 children w/ LVH (33%)
6/12 post pubertal (50%)
12/32 overall w/ LVH (37.5%)

1995 Tada8 1 23 III Case report Palpitations LV dilation and LV concentric hypertrophy; LV wall thinning
Ventricular tachycardia Abnormal systolic function (SF9%)

1995 Kobayashi29 1 23 III Case report “Marked thickening of interventricular septum”

1994 Talente30 9 18-57 III Case series 4/6 abnormal echocardiograms (67%)
LVH in 3, BVH in 1

1993 Carvalho17 23 9 mos to 28 III Case series Symptoms uncommon 11/23 (~50%) w/ increased
2 w/ dyspnea w/ exertion; 3 w/ fatigue; 1 w/ chest pain LV septal and posterior wall thickness; LV dimensions
SF all normal

1992 Coleman20 13 4 to 57 IIIa, b, d Case series None mentioned IIIa: 3/7 abnormal echocardiograms (43%) including LVH in one

1991 Labrune18 18 8 mos to 18 III Case series None symptomatic 5/16 (30%) w/ increased LV septal and posterior wall thickness

1990 Smit31 50 >10 III Cross sectional Not reported “Cardiomyopathy” in 22/44; no echo details reported

1989 Moses21 20 3-30 III Cross sectional 19/20 asymptomatic LVH 13/16
1/20: Dyspnea, weakness Mild LV dilation 2/20
LA dilation 7/20

1984 Olson7 1 25 III Case report Yes; orthopnea due to pulmonary edema during pregnancy “Marked thickening of ventricular myocardium”
Normal systolic function

1972 Miller6 1 3 mos III Case report Yes (sudden death at 3 mos) Marked LVH at autopsy No echocardiogram
“Gross myocardial thickening”

CHF – Congestive Heart Failure; LV – Left ventricle; HTN – Hypertension: LVH – Left Ventricular Hypertrophy; LA – Left atrium