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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Sep 5.
Published in final edited form as: J Adolesc Health. 2012 Feb 22;51(1):59–65. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2011.11.019

Table 1. Descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations, percentages) on risk factors measured in Grade 7.

Continuous measures Mean (SD) No. of items in scale Response options Cronbach's alpha
Individual risk factors
Relational aggression 1.47 2 8 .62
(e.g., “how many times in the past 12 months have you told lies about a student to make other kids not like them?”) (.83) (never to 40 times or more)
Family risk factors
Poor family management (e.g., “would you parent know if you did not come home on time?”) 1.52 (.49) 9 4 (definitely no to definitely yes) .83
Family conflict (e.g., “people in my family have serious arguments.”) 1.94 (.76) 3 4 (definitely no to definitely yes) .82
School risk factors
Academic failure (e.g., “what were your grades like last year?”) 1.86 (.56) 2 4 (very poor to very good) .63
Low commitment to school (e.g., “how interesting are most of your school subjects to you?”) 2.04 (.59) 7 5 (very interesting to very boring) .80

Categorical measures % No. of items in scale Responese options Cronbach' alpha

Individual risk factors
Traditional bullying victimization (e.g., “have you been teased or called names, had rumours spread about you?”) 38.8 1 2 (no to yes once a week) N/A
Traditional bullying perpetration (e.g., “have you taken part in bullying another student at school recently?”) 17.2 1 2 (no to yes once a week) N/A
Peer risk factor
Interaction with antisocial friends (e.g., “in the past 12 months, how many of your best friends have sold illegal drugs?”) 34.8 8 2 (no friends to one or more friends) N/A
School risk factor
School suspension (e.g., “in the past 12 months have you been suspended from school?”) 5.2 1 2 (no suspensions to one or more) N/A