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. 2013 Sep 5;8(9):e74439. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074439

Table 2. Identification by mass spectrometry of proteins differentially expressed in the retina of parkinsonian monkeys.

Spot no. Protein Accession no. a pI exp. / pI theor. b Mr exp. / Mr theor. b Analysis methodb MALDI-TOFc Score / Sequence coverage / Number of peptides LC-MS/MSd Score / Sequence coverage / Number of peptides
1 α-Enolase P06733 (S, Hs), NP_001419 (N, Hs) 4.75/6.99 48.2/47.1 LC-MS/MS, MALDI-TOF 133/53/16 244.30/39/12
2 ATP synthase, subunit β P06576 (S, Hs) 4.75/5.00 52.4/51.8 LC-MS/MS 378.20/52/21
3 S-Arrestin P10523 (S, Hs) 6.25/6.14 51.5/45.1 LC-MS/MS 67.24/10/5
5 β-Crystallin B2 XP_001098886 (N, Mm) 6.14/6.54 27.7/23.2 MALDI-TOF 261/60/15
7 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 8 (HSC70) P11142 (N, Hs) 5.08/5.37 75.0/70.8 LC-MS/MS 65.84/8/4
12 Stathmin P16949 (N, Hs) 5.53/5.77 16.5/17.2 LC-MS/MS 31.58/15/2
13 NG,NG-Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1 (DDAH1) O94760 (S, Hs) 4.93/5.53 15.2/30.1 LC-MS/MS 152.41/34/8
18 DDAH1 O94760 (S, Hs), NP_036269 (N, Hs) 5.32/5.53 36.9/30.1 LC-MS/MS, MALDI-TOF 171/63/16 218.67/58/13
20 γ-Enolase P09104 (S, Hs) 5.44/4.91 32.2/47.1 LC-MS/MS 23.87/6e / 2e
21 Glucose-regulated 78 kDa protein (GRP78) P11021 (S, Hs) 4.67/5.01 82.1/72.3 LC-MS/MS 68.31/9/4
31 Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) P04406 (S, Hs) 5.49/8.58 37.4/35.6 LC-MS/MS 53.30/10/3
33 Inorganic pyrophosphatase (PPA1) Q4R543 (S, Mf), XP_001164495 (N, Pt) 5.33/5.54 34.1/32.6 LC-MS/MS, MALDI-TOF 231/65/18 135.79/35/8
34 Calbindin P05937 (S, Hs) 4.16/4.70 25.6/29.9 LC-MS/MS 17.43/8e/ 2e
37 Nucleoside diphosphate kinase B (NDPK B) P22392 (S, Hs) 5.30/8.52 16.8/17.3 LC-MS/MS 44.49/25/3
42 Cytochrome c oxidase (COX), subunit 5A Q53CF8 (S, Mm) 4.69/5.01 13.1/12.5 LC-MS/MS 36.40/16/2
91 γ-Synuclein Q2PFW6 (S, Mf) 4.50/4.98 15.4/13.3 LC-MS/MS 96.86/49/6
115 S-Arrestin P10523 (S, Hs) 6.06/6.14 50.6/45.1 LC-MS/MS 177.66/27/10
237 γ-Enolase P09104 (S, Hs), AAV67362 (N, Mf) 4.54/4.91 48.5/47.1 LC-MS/MS, MALDI-TOF 294/73/21 204.93/44/13

For each spot the protein identified is indicated together with its accession number in the interrogated polypeptide database (N, NCBInr; S, Swiss-Prot) and the corresponding primate species (Hs, human; Mf, long-tailed macaque; Mm, rhesus macaque; Pt, chimpanzee).


The isoelectric point (pI) and relative molecular mass (Mr) are also given, both experimental and theoretical, together with the MS method(s) used for its identification.


The MOWSE score is indicated together with the fraction (%) of protein sequence covered by the identified peptides and the number of these represented in the mass fingerprint.


The corresponding score is indicated together with the fraction (%) of sequence and the number of peptides identified.


Peptides identified by de novo sequencing using the Sherenga algorithm.